
The pages of the booklet will be shown one page at a time.

Contents Page
Cover 1
Introduction 3
Conception - Ted 5
Gestation - Ted 5
Birth - Ted 8
First Steps - Ted 10
Paraphernalia - Ted 11
People - Ted 13
Technology - Graham 15
How We Operate - Liz 18
Liz Borrow 20
Sue Carpenter 22
Georgina Erskine 23
Maggie & Tony Flood24
Pauline Forrest24
Margaret Gale25
Marcia Gillespie27
Richard Green-Wilkinson28
Joe Guerreri29
Tricia Hill31
Tim Howard32
Rita Johnson33
Graham Lawrence34
Jane Lawrence36
Sue Leatham37
Mike McMorran38
Barry Mitchell39
John Moore40
Dave Ross41
Bob Wilson42
Committee Members44
Paterson Centre47